// Copyright © 2000-2007 etracker®. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. // This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed // without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. var host = 'http://www.etracker.de/'; var et = 'TU3n9b'; var exclude_parameters = new Array(); function spLink( url ) { if(!url) return ''; var host = url.replace(/\?.*/gi, ''); var query = '?'+url.replace(/.*\?/gi, ''); var query_export = ''; query = query_export ? '?'+query_export.substr(1) : ''; return host+query.replace(/&/gi, '%26'); } function spPage( url ) { return spLink( url ); } var links=1; var toppos = 0; var leftpos = 0; var overlay = 0; var et_search = window.location.search; et_search = spPage(et_search); var thisHref = window.location.pathname + et_search; var gauged = 0; var ibrowse = 0; var ibrowsev = 99; var px, py; var _location, et_top, et_sendloc; try { _location = top.location.search; et_sendloc = top.location.search; et_top = top.location; } catch(e) { _location = window.location.search; et_sendloc = window.location.search; et_top = window.location; } var et_document = window.location; if(_location.match(/.et_overlay=0/gi)) { document.cookie='et_overlay=0 ;path=/'; } else if((_location.match(/.et_overlay=1/gi))||(document.cookie.match(/et_overlay=1/))||(document.cookie.match(/et_overlay=2/))) { if( _location.match(/et_h=1/gi) ) overlay = 2; else if( _location.match(/et_h=0/gi) ) overlay = 1; else if(document.cookie.match(/et_overlay/)) { if( document.cookie.match(/et_overlay=2/) ) overlay = 2; else overlay = 1; } document.cookie='et_overlay='+overlay+' ;path=/'; if(typeof(et_pagename) == 'undefined' || typeof(et_pagename)=='unknown') var et_pagename = ''; if(typeof(et_easy) == 'undefined' || typeof(et_easy)=='unknown') var et_easy = 0; getPageSize(); document.write(''); var et_div = document.createElement('div'); et_div.id = 'et_div'; et_div.style.zIndex = '1000000'; et_div.style.position = 'absolute'; et_div.style.display = 'block'; et_div.style.top = '0px'; et_div.style.left = '0px'; et_div.style.opacity = '0.5'; et_div.style.KhtmlOpacity = '0.5'; et_div.style.height = '1px'; if(document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' && ibrowse) { et_div.style.width = document.body.scrollWidth; } else { et_div.style.width = '100%'; } var et_div_progress = document.createElement('div'); et_div_progress.id = 'et_div_progress'; et_div_progress.className = 'et_div_progress'; et_div_progress.style.position = 'fixed'; if(document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' && ibrowse) { et_div_progress.style.position = 'absolute'; et_div_progress.style.margin = '0 45% 0 45%'; } et_div_progress.innerHTML = '
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